A-CDM project

*A-CDM Project is in the implementation phase

About A-CDM

Airport Collaborative Decision Making (Airport CDM)

Airport Collaborative Decision Making A-CDM is the concept which aims at improving Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM) at airports by reducing delays, improving the predictability of events and optimising the utilisation of resources.

Implementation of Airport CDM allows each Airport CDM Partner to optimise their decisions in collaboration with other Airport CDM Partners, knowing their preferences and constraints and the actual and predicted situation.

The decision making by the Airport CDM Partners is facilitated by the sharing of accurate and timely information and by adapted procedures, mechanisms and tools.

The Airport CDM concept is divided in the following Elements:

  • Information Sharing

  • Milestone Approach

  • Variable Taxi Time

  • Pre-departure Sequencing

  • Adverse Conditions

  • Collaborative Management of Flight Updates

Franjo Tuđman Airport CDM Partners

An Airport CDM Partner is a stakeholder of a CDM Airport, who participates in the CDM process. The Franjo Tuđman Airport CDM Partners are:

  • International Zagreb Airport Jsc. (Airport Operator) web

  • Croatia Airlines Ltd (Aircraft Operator) web

  • Havas Zemaljske usluge Ltd (Ground Handling company)

  • Croatia Control Ltd (Air Navigation Service Provider ATC) web


Airport CDM brings substantial benefits to all Partners by improving the quality of information on which deci­sions are made. This will lead to enhanced operation­ally efficiency and facilitate optimum use of available capacity. These benefits are as follows:


Aircraft Operator

  • Improved awareness about the status & location of the aircraft

  • Improved accuracy of arrival times at destination

  • Accurate fleet prediction

  • Reduced ground movements costs

  • Transparent ground handling operation

  • Less queuing at Runway holding points

  • Reduced CO2 emission

Ground Handling company

  • Accurate arrival information

  • Increased predictability

  • Efficient use of existing resources

  • Reduced amount of unplanned activities performed

Airport Operator

  • Better use of existing resources

  • Reduced Apron and Taxiway congestion

  • Reduction of ground emissions

  • Stable traffic flows & reduced taxi times

  • Reduced noise

Air Navigation Service Provider ATC

  • Improved Runway & capacity planning

  • Reduced Apron and Taxiway congestion

  • Better situational awareness during times of disruption and delays

  • Better ATFM slot compliance & reduced number of missed slots

  • Accurate take off times

  • Accurate planning information for tower controllers


Contact us

For more information on A-CDM, please contact the A-CDM team:

Related links:

A-CDM EUROCONTROL General Training

EUROCONTROL E-learning course for A-CDM (APT-ACDM-FUND)

EUROCONTROL A-CDM deployment video